Friday, October 22, 2010


okay - so my hospital visits were long and ever lasting. when i got my surgery in July - i was in for nine days - home for one & a half - back in for nine - home for the weekend & a monday - back in by tuesday for four then i avoided them all together. i went up to the hospital two nights ago, got a surgery yesterday afternoon & was home by last night. because the girl they put in my room woulda kept me up all night - so they let me come home. woo! hospitals i've noticed just are so different from one another. typically my hospital stays would have all been at the same place - with the same people. but this surgery was extremely last minute because my birthday on tuesday (october 19) i was feeling really sick - and wednesday it was no better, so my NEW surgeon said to come to the hospital and expect surgery within 24 hours - so we did. i was admited - by morning i was having an ultra sound - but 11:15 i was in the recovery room waiting for my surgey - by noon i was in the OR laying on the table talking to my surgeon & the team, then suddenly knocked out cold(: haha. i eventually woke up and once i came to it - i asked my mom what they found. i had three extremely bad scarring from adhesions that my other surgeon swore werent there. i had an adhesion still there - that they left alone because it wasnt bothering anything and was wrapped tight around something. they found a small cyst on my left ovary that they also left alone. and a small hernia, i dont know where, but they too left that alone. there was excessive scar tissue from where my appendix would have been & they said they thought that since my appendix was retrograde - that when they removed it, it exposed the raw tissue there that bled - which caused some of my pain. along with the fact that the scar tissue basically clogged my intestines. but they said all is well now - i need to watch what i eat for a few months until everythings better & do some walking & get moving around so my insides start moving around as well. but hopefully this solved those problems for now.

in the future i may have to do something about the cyst - depending on if it grows or not. its just something we're gona have to watch i suppose.

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